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本课程第三学年第二学期开设,计划学时32,先修课为:计算机组成原理、汇编语言,数据结构、C语言程序设计、计算机系统结构(或平行开设)等。 实验按项目卡进行。


Introduction to the CourseOperating System Experiment

Operating System Experiments is a complement to theoretical Operating System Course. The objective of the experiments is to deeply understand and test core algorithms of Operating Systems, learn a practical operating system, get familiar with Linux interface and development environments, and master Linux usage and maintainance skills.

Through Operating System experiments, students will gain insight into CPU managements, process managements, memory managements, file managements, and device managements. It will also enhance students understand resource managements techniques and implementation methods. By this set of experiments, students should be able to: (1) get familiar with a particular operating system, get deep insight into basic principles of OS; (2) master operating system functions, accomplish related problems based on implementation techniques; (3) In depth understand difficult problems in OS such as process, thread, concurrency, mutual exclusion, sharing, communication, real-time scheduling, etc.

This experiment course is scheduled in the 2nd half of the 3rd academic year, with 32 hours of Lab courses, The pre-requisite course include Computer principle, assembler language, data structures, C programming, computer architecture (may in parallel) etc. Follow experiment card instructions.


