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Introduction of Course “Computer Graphics”


Computer graphics is a required elective of computer science and technology, which introduces the principles and methods of graphic display and represantation. Computer graphics is designed to meet requirements of computer applications areas including computer drawing and animation, game design, virtual reality, image processing, computer vision, which is a theoretical and practical course.

The main contents of computer graphics is related to such research areas as principles and algorithms of computer graphic representation in the computer graphics, computer graphic computing, processing and display using computer. Graph usually consists of geometric elements, such as points, lines, areas, volumes, and non-geometric attributes, such as grayscale, color, line type, line width. The elements and attributes can be used to generate photorealistic graph using computer. Therefore, geometric represantation is required to describe the geometric scene. Lighting effect with the specific lighting source, texture properties and material properties can be simulated using some kind of lighting model.

The contents of computer graphics also include curve and surface modeling technology as well as solid modeling technology for geometric scene represantation. The research content of computer graphics is very extensive, including graphic hardware, graphic standard, graphic interaction technology, raster graphic generation algorithm, curve and surface modeling, solid modeling, photorealistic graphics computing and display algorithms, non-photorealistic rendering, scientific visualization, computer animation, natural scenery simulation, virtual reality and so on. The course provides more than 30 examples of algorithm and program design in C language to elaborate principles and methods of computer graphics as well as the knowledge of program design.

Through this course, students will learn basic principles of computer graphics application, understand the special-purpose processing method of graphics applications, and master the knowledge of analysis, modeling, program design and other aspects in the field of computer graphics applications. This course provides appropriate models and approaches for solution of practical problems and trains students the actual ability to analyze problems and solve problems using computers.
