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The Introduction of Course --- Machine Learning

Machine learning is a major education course for the students of computer science and technology, which enables student to deal with the problems of massive data analysis and to be competent for big data times. As an important branch of artificial intelligence, machine learning focus on understanding and studying the mechanism of learning, and building the computer programs with the ability to improve themselves by using the historical data. With the drastic increasing of data in various fields, machine learning methods are showing their remarkable advantage, and becoming gradually one of the primary and hot courses of computer science and technology subject. In recent years, machine learning methods have been being applied successfully to various fields, including: image recognition, voice recognition, intelligent robot, credit card cheat detection, vehicle driving and prediction of non-linear time series, etc.

The goals of this course are as follows: 1) To master the primary concepts; 2) To master the skills in applications of machine learning technologies, being able to handle practical issues (such as: image recognition, text classification and natural language understanding) with machine learning methods; 3) To know about the basic theories under machine learning; 4) To know about the link between machine learning and artificial intelligence.

The course will be presented within 32 teaching-hours in the sixth term of the third academic year. Its pre-courses include basis of program design, data structure and object-oriented program design; and the post-courses include computability theory, and bioinformatics.

