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吉林省大数据智能认知国际科技合作重点实验室专家讲座暨计算机科学技术专家讲座(二十四)——Adriano Tavares

发布日期:2024-12-26 发布人: 点击量:

报告题目:How to Write a Research Paper?



报 告 人:Adriano Tavares


Adriano Tavares is an Associate Professor at University of Minho, Portugal. He holds a PhD in Industrial Electronics from University of Minho, a Master of Science in Information Technology and an undergraduate degree in Informatics both from University of Coimbra. His main research interests are embedded systems modelling and design, system software design, system-on-chip design/prototyping on FPGA and engineering education. He is currently teaching embedded and real-time systems modelling and design, compiler design, system-on-chip design, real-time operating system design, and advanced computer architectures courses at University of Minho. He published more than 100 book chapters and papers on international conferences and journals related to embedded software and hardware design and two books on microcontroller and C/C++ programming. For the last decade he has been visiting several Asian Universities (e.g., Jilin University-China, Amir Kabir University-Iran, AIT-Thailand, PSUT-Jordan and RUPP-Cambodia) under Erasmus Program. Currently, he is an Invited Professor and researcher in cognitive architecture at University of Trento, Italy.


How to Write a Research Paper is a research-write-submission trifecta whose outcome is a written report describing through analysis, interpretation and argument, the results of an original and in-depth independent research. Putting it simply, a first-class paper is the outcome of well-conducted research, careful writing and successful publication processes.  Writing a research paper requires you to (1) demonstrate a strong knowledge of your topic, (2) engage with a variety of sources, and (3) make an original contribution to the debate. You must be passionate about your research work as it can be very hard to get motivated to write about it, mainly because the quality of your writing is linked to the paper’s impact. In doing so, state your case with confidence and clarity through a ‘red thread’, which is a straight line that the audience follows from introduction to the conclusion.







